Transform Your Lifestyle Habits. Unlock Your Best Self. Achieve Your Potential.

Science-backed, wholehearted, no-nonsense methods to achieve your most vibrant self. Start your journey to better wellbeing today!

Get your FREE guide:
The 5 Pillars of Health & Wellbeing

I Empower Busy People to Transform Their Health & Wellbeing Through Lifestyle Changes

Meet your Coach.

As your Health Coach, specialised in lifestyle behaviour change, I partner with you to uncover and address the root causes of the unproductive lifestyle habits that are keeping you stuck, and I empower you to transform your lifestyle habits to achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

I help busy people like you transform their lifestyle habits for more balanced lives, whether it's around fitness goals, healthy eating habits, managing stress and burnout, and reaching your highest level of thriving wellbeing.

Book your FREE Discovery Call

10 Reasons You Might Be Struggling to Thrive

  • Time: Juggling a hectic schedule leaves little room to prioritise your health
  • Unhealthy Eating: Poor diet choices zap your energy and leave you unhappy with your body
  • Inactivity: Not moving enough makes you feel physically and mentally sluggish
  • Stress: Constant stress takes a toll on your overall well-being
  • Sleep Issues: Struggling with sleep affects your mood and leaves you drained
  • Body Image Concerns: Negative body image hurts your self-esteem
  • Conflicting Information: Sorting through contradictory health advice is confusing and frustrating
  • Emotional Eating/Drinking: Turning to food or drink to cope with emotions creates harmful habits
  • Chronic Illnesses: Lifestyle modification with a chronic illness is hard when doing it alone.
  • Social Media Influence: Dealing with misleading and unhealthy aspects of "fitspo" and social media.

My clients engage me to transform their health & wellbeing in 3 different ways:

Habit Revolution Group Workshop

• Investment: S$199
• Duration: 90 minutes

Join us for a dynamic group session where you'll delve into the secrets of thriving wellbeing and transforming lifestyle habits. Gain valuable insights, connect with a supportive community, and leave inspired to embark on your wellness transformation. SIGN-UP FOR THE NEXT EVENT: Thursday 11 July, 7.30pm to 9pm SGT

Habit Revolution 1-1 Strategy Session

• Investment: S$299
• Duration: 90 minutes

In this personalised 1-1 session, we embark on a transformative journey to assess your current health, wellbeing, and lifestyle habits. Before our session, you'll complete an in-depth 360-degree health and wellbeing questionnaire. Then, through deep collaboration, we'll craft a tailored blueprint that seamlessly integrates positive habits into your daily life. Together, we'll set achievable milestones, paving the way for your holistic wellbeing.

1-1 Coaching Programme

• Investment: S$2,999
• Duration: 3 months

The Flagship 3-month 'Thriiving Wellbeing’ Coaching Programme is a transformative, personalised journey designed to help you take charge of your health and wellbeing, break free from unhealthy patterns and achieve lasting lifestyle changes.

All prices are in SGD. Sessions are available both in-person in Singapore and virtually.

Unlock the Proven Benefits of Holistic Health Coaching

Weight Loss

Clients working with a health coach sustainably shed an average of 10 kg (22 lbs) over 24 months


Individuals who receive health coaching are x2 times more likely to meet physical activity guidelines


Health coaching enhances overall dietary habits, leading to more balanced nutrition choices. 30% more veggies!


Health coaching leads to a 44% improvement in sleep quality and a 35% reduction in insomnia symptoms.

Mental Wellness

Health coaching reduces stress levels by 23% and improves overall mental well-being.


Health coaching clients report a 25% increase in their perceived social support network.

Working with Noemie has been an incredible experience. Not only have I achieved sustainable weight loss, but I've also learned how to reduce stress and increase my energy levels. Noemie's energy is infectious, and her personalised approach and ongoing support have been invaluable. At 44, I feel better than ever!

— Jess T.

How to work with me?

Book a Free 30-min Discovery Call

Schedule a 30-minute call to discuss your needs and how we can work together to achieve your goals.

Choose a Coaching Programme

Select from my range of coaching programs or workshops that best fit your goals and schedule.

Begin Your Transformation!

Start your journey towards a healthier, happier you with personalised coaching and support.

Change Is Hard. Don't Do It Alone

Elevate Your Wellbeing Journey with ThriiveQuest

Embark on a wholehearted transformative journey with ThriiveQuest, where we blend science-backed strategies with a compassionate approach to help you achieve holistic wellness. My philosophy is rooted in self-compassion, empathy, and personal growth, empowering you to embrace self-love and recognise your inherent wholeness. Through my practical, research-driven coaching, we make your health and wellness goals attainable, guiding you to your healthiest, most vibrant self. Join me and discover the power of meaningful, supportive transformation!

No-Nonsense, Practical Approach

My coaching approach is no-nonsense and practical, grounded in the latest research on health, fitness, and nutrition, combined with well-established behavioral strategies. This makes big, seemingly unattainable health and wellness goals accessible and actionable so clients can achieve their healthiest, most vibrant self.

Embracing Self-Compassion and Personal Growth

My philosophy is rooted in embracing self-compassion, empathy, and personal growth. With a focus on self-love and the belief that you are already whole, we'll transform your lifestyle habits with warmth and understanding, making every step of your journey meaningful and supportive.

Transform Your Lifestyle with Science

Grounded in the latest research on health, fitness, and nutrition, my coaching approach is designed to help you transform your lifestyle habits with warmth and understanding. Through self-compassion, empathy, and personal growth, we'll make every step of your journey meaningful and supportive.

Join my 3-month, Flagship Thriiving Wellbeing 1-1 Coaching Programme


Your Journey to Thriving Health Starts Here

Ready to Thrive?

My 3-month Thriiving Wellbeing coaching programme is a transformative, personalised journey designed to help you take charge of your health and well-being, break free from unhealthy patterns and achieve lasting lifestyle changes.

Programme Inclusions:

  • 3-month Coaching Programme
  • Goal-Setting and Personalised Coaching Plan
  • In-depth 90-mins Initial Assessment
  • Weekly 60-mins 1-1 Coaching Sessions
  • Progress Tracking and Mindful Integration
  • Unlimited Email / Messaging Support
  • Personalised Tools and Resources


*All-inclusive fee for the 3-month programme. No hidden costs. Prices in SGD.

Don't wait until Monday

Your Journey to Thriving Wellbeing Starts Here

Schedule a free, 30-minute chat with me to explore how we can work together